Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God By Shelia Walsh
I wanted to throw this book out the window or in the trash while reading it. Not because it was poorly written, not because I didn't agree with it, but because I didn't want to hear what Ms. Walsh was saying to me.
You see, I too struggle with trust. I doubt God way more than I should. I too don't think that I, a simple wife, stay-at-home mom, sinner could have anything of worth to offer to God. I have struggled with depression, feelings of guilt and worthlessness. I've questioned my value as a woman. However, reading this book changed my outlook. It doesn't matter who you are, God LOVES YOU, and WANTS to live through you and use you for his glory.
Using examples of ordinary people who answered the call of God (people she's known, to the Biblical examples of Anna, Gideon, Paul, Tabitha and others) Sheila shows that how by simply learning to trust God, and making yourself available, God will do the rest. Yes, people make mistakes, we all sin, we all have things in our past that we think will render us useless, God wants to go from this point on. Not to say you don't need to seek forgiveness for your sins, but that from this point on, you can make it a point to trust God to bring you through whatever you are going through. Nor does she promise that it is easy, and she does share with her struggles in learning to trust on a day by day basis (glad to know I'm not alone). God isn't going to leave you the same person as when you started. He is constantly refining you and molding you into a citizen of heaven. We may never know this side of heaven why things happen, but rest assured, God will bring you through it, better than when you were before. We just have to trust Him to do what He needs to and follow His paths.
I highly reccomend this book to every woman. It will challenge you and change your outlook in regards to Whom you belong to and your worth.
Disclosure Notice: I received a complimentary copy of Beautiful Things Happen when a Woman Trusts God from Thomas Nelson as a member of the Book Sneeze blog reviewers in exchange for reading, writing and posting a book review. I have not been compensated for my review, other than getting to keep my copy of the book. All opinions expressed in this review are mine and mine alone.